3 location
10 years of service
Over 400 people served
Focus Point provides Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse service options for Adults and Children throughout Virginia. Since our founding in 2017, we are committed to providing the best of the best in mental health services. We pride ourselves on our patient-focused approach that emphasizes the highest possible standards. Browse our website to learn more about us.

Overcome Your Obstacles

Our goal is to help you thrive!​
Focus Point provides behavioral health and substance abuse services to adults and children throughout Virginia, but we can't do it alone. By working together, we can achieve the future you envision.
Getting the help you need is one thing. Knowing you are getting the help you deserve is entirely different.
During your journey toward better mental health, we are your trusted partners at FOCUS POINT MENTAL HEALTH. Our commitment to quality care has earned us a well-deserved reputation for excellence in our fields.
Having a success mindset is key in achieving your goals. Believe in yourself and trust your abilities. Set realistic goals and take steps to achieve them. S.M.A.R.T. goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Celebrate your successes no matter how small. Ask for help when you need it.
Build Visualization and Goal-Setting Techniques
Narrow Your Focus
Gain Access to 10 Success Modules
Improve Motivation and Team-Building Skills
Conquer Anxiety
Learn the Art of Rehabilitation

Our mental health skill-building program is designed to help you strengthen your emotional resilience, improve communication skills, and increase self-awareness. With our evidence-based approach, you will learn how to develop coping strategies and build healthy habits to maintain a positive mindset. Let us guide you on your journey to mental wellness and start building the skills you need to thrive today.